"When so I ponder, here apart, what shallow boons suffice my heart, what dust-bound trivia capture me,
I marvel at my normalcy."--Dorothy Parker

Friday, September 28, 2012

september photo album

School started and we were off...
Picnicking in Central Park with new school friends
Looking at the ducks
Playing in the Conservatory Gardens during afternoon tea
Goldilocks stopping to visit friends on her way to see Andy Warhol at the Met
Happening upon amazing feats in the park during a Sunday afternoon stroll
Breakfasting at Balthazar with my favorite baby boy at the beginning of a day of shopping in Soho (can you spot us?)

Chillin' with Townsie & his Mini Me
Our favorite building, with a trompe l'oeil mural & grisaille gargoyles, which Violet has to stop and look at every single day
My view for at least two hours a day
Oh, so close to standing, and proud of it
Hangin' with favorite girlfriends
Balloon envy
Scooting to school
Just try and keep up!

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