"When so I ponder, here apart, what shallow boons suffice my heart, what dust-bound trivia capture me,
I marvel at my normalcy."--Dorothy Parker

Thursday, September 20, 2012

call me maybe

I tend to miss pop phenomenons--it has been a long time since I was fifteen--but a few months ago I heard a Slate Culture Gabfest about this song and asked my nieces if they had heard it, since the podcast was referring to it as though anyone would know what they were talking about. The nieces looked at me with pity for being so old and out of touch. Fast forward to the other day when S came home from work and said I had to see this version on YouTube (he hadn't heard the original either). Now I get it! Apparently I just had to have Jimmy Fallon, affable talk show host, make it palatable for me. Admit it, it is fascinating to see children's instruments being played by such talented musicians. Hope it makes for a fun few minutes' viewing...

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