When he is a hairy, smelly boy of fifteen or a working man of thirty, will I still remember the way he patted my neck when he pressed his soft cheek into mine? Will I remember the squint of his eyes while he shimmied his chubby little shoulders in a dance? The way he would boldly declare, "I love flowers. And butterflies!" Will I still think it is cute when he wants to sleep in his bathing suit because he is so excited that tomorrow's hotel will have a swimming pool? Will I remember the tiny voice that said, "In Cinderella, I am the prince!" after playing pretend with his sister, or "Funny face!" whenever he thought anything was amusing (whether it had a face or not).
Will I think of the way he said "Hold you!" and lifted his arms to be taken up the stairs, immediately followed by his grunting and saying, "I too heavy!"? Will I still find him lying around with a book on the floor of his sister's bedroom or on the marble before the front door? Will I retain the sound of his humming his own little made-up tunes? Will I still be able to see the way he looked deep into my eyes when he said, "Mommy, I love you so, so much!" or, "I'm so sorry, Mommy" as we together pick up one of his two-year-old disasters? Will I recall how funny it was when he would shout, "Never...Again!!!" instead of a simple, "No, thank you"? Will I see him in front of me in the bakfiets, calling out, "I love that blue car! I love that purple car! That black car is so pretty!" as we spin along? Will I still be able to see those squeezable, roly-poly little thighs in a black and white striped onesie?

This is beautiful. I can't wait to see you all in a few weeks. 87
oh, davian- that is so beautiful! i feel the same way and am especially noticing all of the little special somethings with Brody as he approaches three in a few short weeks…..i would do anything to spend just an afternoon with you and your babes…..Xx missing you guys!
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