And we deserved it, after weeks of getting our apartment ready for guests, and ourselves ready to get out of their way. We wish never again to spend Christmas Eve and Day frantically cleaning and packing, but there are no guarantees. We thought we had Christmas all figured out a couple of years ago, a leisurely month of tree cutting, music, and outings, and then we added a second end-of-November baby and leisure abandoned us, possibly on a permanent basis. Add to this the likelihood that this was our last Christmas in New York for a while--more on that soon--and there no longer seems to be a point to creating an elaborate tradition. Maybe our tradition will be that we do every Christmas differently, aside from finding a Christmas Fair to peruse, attending a Messiah sing-along sometime in December and a religious service on Christmas Eve, and opening stockings on Christmas morning, all of which we managed to do as usual this year, in spite of the chaos.

It has been a beautiful week, just the four of us holed up here, doing projects and reading stories, the kids laughing and playing together, enjoying being a family. I love these people we have made, and the one I have made them with. We will be glad to be back in our regular life in a week or two, but for this moment, we are going to inhale every last crumb of our holiday.

Best entertainment: Watching Townsie dance. That boy has moves, bouncing up and down, sliding his head side to side. He will dance to anything with a beat, from classical to pop, or to the blender, in the absence of something more melodious.
Best quote:
Violet: (Pointing to the horizon) "What is that? There is some light, then some dark cloud-like things over it."
Us: "That's the sky."
Violet: (Pointing again to the horizon) "No, that thing way over there, not straight above us."
Us: (Noting that there is nothing else to which she could be pointing) "Yeah, that's the sky."
Best reason for living in an aparment: A one-year-old with stairs is nothing but trouble.
Most heartwarming thing ever: Watching our two kids play and laugh
together. We thought we couldn't love anything more than having one
child, but what do you know...
I'm all choked up with this one. Maybe it's the fact your family is having a beautiful time together and I am so happy for that. Maybe it was the line about not being here next Christmas. Maybe it's because your babies are already so big and I feel like it was just yesterday we became Mommas.....the house you rented looks GORGEOUS. Absolutely perfect for your holiday. Enjoy! Love and miss you.
This looks like so much fun and of course we missed seeing you at the nativity.
Our baby, Roman Lee, came two days after Christmas which has sweetened the holidays beyond our highest hopes.
Happy New Year! Our best to your family.
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