Yes, it was a ridiculous plan. But it did mean that for the past two months the strains of that marvelous work have been filling our home, sometimes the bass part, sometimes the alto, most often the entire chorale, bringing Christmas spirit and something to focus on aside from our own impatience. And it did not take long for us to feel that it had been written just for us at this particular moment of our lives. Even little Violet would warble with delight,
For unto us a child is born,
Unto us a son is given...
Is there any better gift than a new baby? Meet Thomas Townsend.
Merry Christmas! He's perfect! What a wonderful gift to cozy up to this Christmas! xxoo
he is so dang cute. wish i was there to meet him and stroke his sweet little hands. sorry we didn't ever connect before we left-- hoping that you are recovering and getting to enjoy a bit more. can't wait to talk. happy holidays to all of you!
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