"When so I ponder, here apart, what shallow boons suffice my heart, what dust-bound trivia capture me,
I marvel at my normalcy."--Dorothy Parker

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

halloween scrapbook

She was bouncing with excitement by the time I picked her up from school, even before we put the costume on and the festivities began.  Halloween is made for soon-to-be-four-year-olds like mine, full of imagination and an affinity for dress-up play. I bought the dress from Etsy by chance last fall, before she gave a hoot about princesses or dressing up.  My rationale at the time was that it would be an easy thing to pile that curly blonde hair of hers up on top of her head, and the dress was hand-made and very reasonably priced.  Little did I know that, very shortly, princesses and brides were to become obsessions, or that while I was reviewing Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette for design ideas Violet would wander through, glance at the screen, and say in a dreamy voice, Who is that?  I want to be her.  Ever since, she has told anyone who would listen that she was going to be Marie Antoinette for Halloween. I am biased, but I think our miniature version may have surpassed the actual grande dame in both beauty and charm.  It is hard to imagine she would have lost her head otherwise.

vamping on the way out

with astronaut cleo and supergirl elsa at ballet

her ballet teacher 

the chaos of trick-or treating in the city (one of the few times i wish for the suburbs)

trick-or-treating with callie, madeline, and elsa in carnegie hill

a weary princess on her way home from trick-or-treating

1 comment:

Amy Asay Keele said...

My goodness she is a goddess! Tell me - did you make that costume or find it somewhere - you are resourceful! Looks like you guys had fun!