So, I have been a little bit...absent...lately. Only from blogging, though, and that because I have been so present in my own life, or should I say lives. As we prepare to exit our New York life for a while and commence a European one, we have a foot in each. Finishing Violette's first year of all-day, big kid school, chasing Townsie, that jolly little elf, up and down and all around (literally), dinners and theater outings with friends, kid parties, Relief Society, all of the things we love about our life here, and meanwhile, hopping back and forth across the Atlantic, house shopping. It's crazy fun. And I do mean crazy.
Steve and I took our first solo trip without the kids, to Holland, and our experience so resembled the above video, sent to me by my friend Cassie, that I had to share. If you haven't already been planning a trip to visit, start!
And thanks to Mom and Danielle for watching the babies while we fell in love with our soon-to-be new home. Love you!