Brass Antiquing Safety Quiz
1. Which of the following substances and/or tools can be used to age solid brass hardware?
a) vinegar
b) brass ager purchased from a hardware dealer
c) urine
d) a blowtorch
e) any of the above
2. Brass hardware can be aged whether or not it has a clear lacquer coating.
a) true
b) false
3. Which of the following substances can be used to remove a clear lacquer coating from solid brass hardware?
a) steel wool
b) acetone (i.e. nail polish remover)
c) boiling water
d) all of the above
4. Put the following brass antiquing steps in the proper sequence:
a) Rub with steel wool, paying special attention to nooks and crannies
b) Submerge in acetone
c) Soak in aging substance for 7-15 minutes, depending on desired level of darkening
d) Buff with a soft, dry cloth
e) Boil in water for a minute or two until coating is soft and a bit gummy
5. A bowl of acetone may catch on fire for which of the following reasons?
a) hardware being transferred from boiling water to bowl is too hot
b) accidental proximity to blowtorch
c) hardware being transferred from acetone to boiling water over an open flame may drip acetone, allowing the fire to skip from cooking flame to drip to bowl
d) b or c
6. A medium sized bowl containing two inches of acetone will create flames of what height?
a) 2-3 inches
b) 2-3 feet
c) none, acetone is not flammable
7. When a bowl of acetone catches fire, the best method for putting out the fire is which of the following?
a) a fire extinguisher, assuming one can get the pin to release in spite of gripping the handle tightly due to adrenaline, and assuming the pressure does cause the bowl of flaming acetate to spray over walls and counter tops, thereby spreading the fire
b) sprinkling with baking soda, assuming the baking soda doesn't become flammable itself upon contact with the acetone
c) waking one's husband who, though having been fast asleep only seconds before, walks into the kitchen, sees the flames, and calmly reaches for a lid, which he places over the burning bowl of acetone, before returning to the bedroom and promptly falling back to sleep
d) calling the fire department
8. An acetone fire that burns for approximately three minutes in a bowl on a kitchen counter top may cause what kind of damage?
a) smoke damage to ceilings and walls
b) burn marks on counter top upon which the bowl of acetone rested
c) melting of the melamine that covered cabinet doors above the flame
d) none of the above
9. After the relief of an acetone fire being extinguished wears off, which of the following regrets will one NOT have?
a) that the fire was not big enough for insurance to cover an entirely new kitchen, while feeling relief that the fire did not threaten anyone's safety
b) that 2-3 hours of buffing with steel wool still remains in the antiquing process
c) that one married someone arguably more intelligent and less apt to panic than oneself
d) that one cannot be trusted to safely work with flammable substances without supervision, at least not after 1am
10. If using steel wool to remove the remains of a clear lacquer coating from solid brass hardware after softening the coating using acetone, boiling water, and fire, it is important to wear rubber gloves and work over a protected surface.
a) true
b) false
answer key
1. e 2. false 3. d 4. b e a c d 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. c 9. c 10. true